Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, then don’t hesitate to get in touch using the form at the bottom of the page.
Have a question about Tiber Football Centre?
How can I book the pitch?
Go to our Booking page to start the booking process
How do I join a team?
Find out about teams that play at Tiber Football Centre on our Join a League page.
Are there any free sessions?
Yes! We have free sessions for mixed (girls/boys), girls only, boys only, youth, refugees, adult asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants. Go to our Activities Programme page to find out more.
Do you sessions for girls only?
Yes, we do. Go to our Activities Programme page to find out more.
Can my son/daughter play they are 4 years old?
Yes, anyone aged 4 and above can play.